Report: Fr. Jawahar Jerry Cutinho, Capuchin
Photos: Studio Aurora, Mangalore

Sept 18, 2017: Nine days Novena in preparation for the Annual Feast of St Padre Pio was inaugurated by hoisting the flag here on the church premises of St Anne's Frairy, Bejai at 5.30 p.m. on 15th of September 2017. Mrs. Kavitha Sanil, Mayor of Mangalore hoisted the flag and conveyed the good wishes for the upcoming celebration. She also assured her kindhearted support to the social activities done by the Capuchin Friars.






Rev Fr Melwyn, the guardian of St Anne's Friary presented her a welcome bouquet and Bro Victor Crasta, capuchin - the Assistant Director of Sandesha presented her with a memento. Fr  Maxim Disilva conducted the prayer service in Kannada and Fr Derick Dsouza compered the inaugural program.

After the inauguration holy mass was celebrated with devotion. Rev Fr Gerald Lobo, the guardian of St Fidelis Friary, Farangipate celebrated the mass. During the novena, special prayers were held for all the married couples.


















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