Aug. 03, 2017: St Ann’s Friary was soaked in the festal cheer on 02 August 2017, as the Capuchin friars along with the faithful celebrated the feast of Our Lady of the Angels of Portiuncula.






The solemn Eucharist in the evening was presided over by Most Rev. Dr. Ignatius Dsouza, the Bishop of the Barelli Diocese and was concelebrated by a good number of guest priests from near and far along with Fr Melwyn, the guardian, and all the community friars. In his inspiring homily, Bishop Ignatius recalled his own experience at Portiuncula, Assisi. As a 'Little Portion' – Portiuncula helped St Francis to carry out the will God, may it help us too to understand the plans that God has for us’, he said. He then invited all the faithful to take the inspiration from St Francis of Assisi, for whom this Chapel of Portiuncula was a cradle of wisdom, knowledge, and devotion.






The soulful choir was rendered by the Padre Pio Choir group guided ably by Mr. Joel Pereira. Soon after the Holy Eucharist Rev Bishop Ignatius was felicitated for his great service to the Diocese of Barelli. Fr Paul Melwyn introduced the community of St Ann’s to all the guests. He also shared the information regarding the service rendered by the capuchins in the Diocese of Mangalore and gratefully remembered everyone, especially, the benefactors, domestic staff.

A book ‘Rozar Mayek Utram Kurov’ - reflections on the various titles of Mother Mary was released during this program by Bishop Ignatius. Fr Manohar thanked all the guest priests, religious brothers and sisters, friends, benefactors and the gathered faithful for their loving presence and Fr Jawahar compèred the whole program. The guests were served with a sumptuous dinner.


























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