Report : Fr. Jawahar Jerry Cutinho,
Photos : Studio Aurora, Mangalore

Mangaluru, Sep 26, 2017 : The annual feast of St. Padre Pio was celebrated on September 24, Sunday evening at St. Ann’s Friary near Jail Road, Mangaluru. St Padre Pio who is popularly known as "the mirror of mercy" was venerated in a grand manner. For the last 9 days novenas were held as the preparation for this feast in St Ann’s Friary Chapel.

The feast was celebrated in the Divine Mercy Retreat Hall (in the campus of St Ann’s Friary) with the presence of around 1700 faithful including the priests and nuns. At 5.00 pm the procession of Padre Pio’s relic was held.

At 6.00pm the Eucharist was celebrated, which was presided over by Rev Dr Francis Serravo, Bishop of Shivmoga diocese. Bishop Francis in his homily stressed that families should inculcate simple life style and remind the new generation the rich traditions of our families and society. St Padre Pio is a great example for a life of simplicity and prayer. We too should make efforts to attain the holiness in life like that of Pio, he said.

The choir was angelic led by Sangeeth Guru Joel Pereira. After the Eucharistic celebration Bishop Francis was honoured after which he released ‘a Franciscan Capuchin Diary 2018’. This biblical diary contains the daily word of God reflections for the year 2018 prepared by 12 Capuchins Friars of Mangalore.

Fr Paul Melwyn, the Superior of St Ann’s Friary and Fr Darick, the Animator of St Pio’s Shrine thanked one and all. Sumptuous dinner was served to all the faithful.​


Click for videos: *Padre Pio Annual Feast 2017*

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