By Fr Stephen Dsouza, Capuchin

Mangaluru, April 15, 2021 : Bishop of Mangalore diocese, Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha ordained seven deacons of Capuchin order and a deacon of Bareilly diocese to the priesthood at Divine Mercy retreat centre, St Anne’s Friary, Bejai Mangaluru on Thursday at 10.30 am. More than 100 clergymen, a large number of people, religious nuns, well-wishers and benefactors gathered for the solemn celebration. 

The solemn Eucharistic celebration was presided over by the Bishop most Rev Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Concelebrated by Fr Alwyn Dias Provincial Minister of Holy Trinity Province of Karnataka, Fr Paul Melwyn Dsouza Vicar provincial, Fr Robin Dsouza and Fr  Peter Cyprian Dsouza Provincial Councillors, Fr  Sunil Crasta Rector of Minor Seminary Bareilly Diocese, a large number of Capuchin Priests and diocesan and religious priests. The melodious choir was sung by novices and parishioners of Uliya, led by Fr Joel Lopez. Fr Ravi Rajesh was the MC for the liturgy.  

In his homily and instructions to the new priests, the Bishop emphasized the importance of Priesthood and their ministry to the Church.  He said “A priest is not meant for telling stories and poems but to preach the word of God. A priest is a priest in Christ forever and minister of the sacraments. He has to be well prepared to give up and live in accordance with the vows and God’s inspiration.”

After the Rite of Ordination, the promise of obedience to the Bishop, prostrating and seeking help of the saints, laying on of hands invoking the Holy Spirit, anointing of the Hands, offering of chalice and host as a symbol of receiving gifts an offering from the people and finally the Kiss of Peace given by the Bishop, then Holy Eucharist proceeded with eight new priests concelebrating along with the Bishop.

The newly ordained priests are Fr Sandeep Dsouza of Koppa Parish, Fr Michael Abilash Periera of Neermarga Parish, Fr Ajith Noronha of Jogfalls Parish, Fr Lenson Lawerence Lobo of Ferar Parish, Fr Ivan Pinto of Pezar Parish, Fr Francis Wilson Dsouza of Kulshekar Parish, Fr Anston Lawerence of Barkur Parish and Fr Santhosh Crasta of Bareilly Diocese. 

A felicitation program was organized to honor and congratulate Newly Ordained Priests and their family members compered by Fr Jason Pais. Fr Paul Melwyn Dsouza welcomed the gathering. Fr Alwyn Dias and Fr Paul Melwyn Dsouza felicitated the newly ordained priests and their parents.  

Fr Alwyn Dias in his speech appreciated the parents and the family of the eight new priests for their generosity in presenting their sons to serve God and the Church. He appreciated the contribution of all the mentors and their benefactors. Bishop in his speech asked the new priests to be prophetic in the proclamation of the Gospel and to give life witness to the people.

The new priest, Fr Santhosh Crasta of Bareilly Diocese and Fr Sandeep Dsouza expressed their deep sentiments of gratitude on behalf of all the new priests.  It was indeed a great day for all present and a day that will remain memorable in the annals of the newly ordained priests all through their lives in the great service of God and the church.

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